
Document storage service as required by law

Authentidoc is a service that stores documentation as required by law. It preserves all types of computer documents, both natively digital ones and copies replacing paper documents.

The solution was developed in full compliance with existing law, can be configured immediately and adapted to any type of organization, replicating the same company organization inside the system.

CSA’s storage process is composed of the phases described below:

  • The documents to be stored are collected, transferred (transfer packet), packet and quality are formally verified, a transfer report is generated.
  • Document preparation and archiving: transfer packets are transformed into archiving packets and a digital signature and time stamp are applied
  • Documents are displayed as required by law: document search and display (distribution packet)

Documents can be transferred and displayed via our web service or our graphic web interface

CSA is delegated the storage process in respect of legal requirements.


  • It protects the integrity of electronic documents
  • Document search, sorting, transfer and display via functions displayed in the web interface or via web services
  • Full compliance with laws in force


  • Guaranteed document validity for legal purposes
  • The entire storage process can be delegated to CSA
  • Maximum security of archived data
  • Savings on printed paper, archive space, handling, etc.

Authentidoc modules
Integrative and independent solutions for a personalized product

APM – automatic sending
APM is the module that sends documents asynchronously and automatically to the Authentidoc storage system.

APM is the module that sends documents asynchronously and automatically to the Authentidoc storage system. APM includes a specialized software component that finds and creates batches of files. It listens to a specific folder where the batches of documents to be sent for storage are created along with the file index that lets APM take charge of and compile metadata for the loaded files.

Support & Consulting
Consulting for drafting the storage manual with validation rules.

Consulting for drafting the storage manual with validation rules. The manual describes the organization, the people involved and their roles, the operational model, the process, the architectures and infrastructures used, the objects stored, the validation rules, the security measures adopted, etc. We identify our client’s needs through a careful and rigorous analysis of functions and activities, of the organization and workflows.

Accredia - L'ente di accreditamento Sistema di gestione per la sicurezza delle informazioni certificato Certified ISO 14001 Conservatore accreditato AgID Associazione Nazionale per Operatori e Responisabili della Conservazione Digitale Coalizione dei conservatori accreditati - ANORC AIFAG ISO 9001